
Real Estate Tip Of The Day! Moving!

I don’t know about you but I’m one of those people who LOVES to make To Do lists and check off tasks I’ve completed! Here are some great moving tips for you to check off!...

Living In MidTown

I love my morning runs through Mid Town! If you have any questions about the Sacramento area It is an amazing place to live! Please contact me with any questions you have about the Real Estate industry and market right...

God Is Faithful

There is always another way. Even when you think that there is no other way God always makes another way for you and your life. He is the creator of the universe, almighty, all knowing God. When you are feeling pressured to do something. Know you always have the choice to simply walk away. God is so good that he gives us free choice! I want to talk about repentance with this. Turning away from doing...

Yes or No

God set's up boundary's in our lives to keep us safe from things that can harm us. That's why we have the 10 commandments. The bible tell's us it is essential to be very clear with how you speak to people and respond. With that being said, It's also important to know right from wrong. When you respond to another persons question you shouldn't leave any room for pandering because this leaves the door open...

Do All In Love

The bible tells us to do all that we do in love. The word all is defined as "used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing." Yes, that means everything right up to how you treat people... Right down to the point of brushing your teeth in the morning. Do it all in love the bible tells us. Not only 25% or not 75% in love, but all. Love is defined as "an intense feeling of...

Being Intentional

God wants us to live life in a way that shows our experiences, knowledge and good judgement. When we communicate with others we need to do so in a way that glorifies God. We need to avoid harm and errors cautiously as we speak to others. It's great to share knowledge with others but do so in a way that honors God. The bible warns us that the earth is filled with corruption and evil. When God speaks into...

God Is Love

Love is defined as "an intense feeling of deep affection" or "a great interest of pleasure in something." In the bible God tells us to keep our love free from material things such as money, earthly treasures and to be content with what you have. (Hebrews 13:5), (Matthew 6:19-21). Have you ever loved someone so much to the point where they have made you jealous? Or has someone ever loved you so much...

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