God Is Faithful

  • 4 years ago
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There is always another way. Even when you think that there is no other way God always makes another way for you and your life. He is the creator of the universe, almighty, all knowing God. When you are feeling pressured to do something. Know you always have the choice to simply walk away. God is so good that he gives us free choice! I want to talk about repentance with this. Turning away from doing something you shouldn’t be doing that is not in God’s will, is what repentance is.

Repenting is brave, noble and inspirational. Be the example by showing others how to walk away, when to talk away but make sure you why you are walking away from temptation. Ask yourself. Are you knowledgable enough on the word to the point that you’re able to know when God says to walk away form something? Or do you just keep going down that path because you want to? Or maybe because you just think that you know more than God? Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, what is this God’s will for my life?

1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it”

Addidics have to make this decision and deal with temptation daily. When people struggle with addiction it’s basically their mind telling them “more, more, more” of something until they crack. The mind is Satans greatest attack. One of my friends who struggles with addiction told me that its like a monster in a corner of the room doing push ups getting stronger and stronger, just waiting to attack you at your weakest moment. He said the last time he gave into the monster, it was harder to stop, more damaging and life treating than the 1st time.

God sets up rules and boundary’s in our life so we don’t have to deal with whatever your monster’s may be. Everyone is different and has different experiences, lives and monsters. Some people might be fighting the temptation of eating chocolate while some might be trying to quit a habit. The good news is that Jesus has already fought this battle and has won by dyeing on the cross for us and forgiving us of our sins. So not only did He die for us but He forgave us. Wow!

Addiction is horrible and by me calling addiction a temptation is not under minding the fact that it’s way beyond temptation. Addidicts have an underlining diseased brain. It’s shown that an addicts brain actually function’s completely different than those who do not have an addiction. However, you have the ability to over come anything because God does not tempt us beyond our ability.

He always provide’s a way out or escape from any temptation because He is faithful. God has given us our lives, personality’s and experience’s because nobody else would be able to live the lives that each and everyone of else is personally living. He put’s us where we are in life for a reason. God is always faithful.

Prayer Starter: Lord, thank you for never letting temptation go beyond my ability. Thank you for always providing an escape for me. I pray today you help others see the way out of any situation that is not of your will. Amen.

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