
In the beginning of the bible we could not talk to God through prayer directly. A priest had to go into a place called the Holy of Holy's and talk to God for us. The Priest would do multiple rituals for weeks before entering the Holy of Holy's so he was cleansed. When it came time for him to go into the Holy of Holy's the people would tie a rope around his waist. They did this so if he died while in the...

What Does The Bible Say About Death?

We are told in the bible that there are 3 deaths that you must go through before you can sit at the right hand of God in Heavan for eternity. The first one is Physical Death. This is where you physically die on earth. You can also be born again through baptism, admitting to God that He is your personal Lord and Savior. (Genesis 2:17).(Romans 6:23)(Romans 5:12).(Romans 7:9).(Ephesians 4:18).(John...


Regret is something we as Christians have all felt in one way or another. I've felt regret before and It's not a very good feeling. It's important to keep in mind that we have a heavenly reward for us in the future! This is great news! We have to remember not to look backwards but always forward to the future that God has planned personaly for us! We as Christians and most people want to feel calm and...

Trust in the Lord, My Confidence is in Him

I love Joyce Myers Daily devotional today... Especially this paragraph. She says "Years before, when David was just a boy, everyone around him discouraged him when he decided to fight Goliath. They told him he was too young and too inexperienced, and that he didn't have the right armor or the right weapons. Many of the discouraging things people said were true, but they didn't deter David from pursuing...

Real Estate Stat OF The Day!

For today’s Real Estate Stat of the day I’m going to switch it up and focus on the Fremont/Pleasanton area as far as inventory and pricing goes! I love how COVID hasn’t affected the market the way we thought it would!If you know anyone looking to move, sell or buy in the area please send them my way! I’m more than happy to help!...

God Is With Me

I opened up my bible this morning and todays plan was in 2nd Corinthians 6. This passage talks about Pauls hardships and how even in life when there is a stumbling block in our path how important is is to remember that our ministry will not be discredited. Even through beatings, hunger, troubles, imprisonments, riots and distress. This passage says in everyway we will with endurance, hard work, purity,...

24 Hour Market Trend Tuesday!

Happy 24 Hour Trend Tuesday! Today I’m focusing on Roseville’s 24 hour actives, escrows and closed! Link is down below please go to like subscribe and leave a comment for...


My whole like I've had to deal with people telling me what I'm doing is "the wrong way" or how I'm not "good enough." Although this hurt my feelings at the time I was always able to make the correction and fix it despite what I felt or knew to be diffrent. I've always pushed myself to be the best I can be in whatever I do no matter what I do. I come from a family who pushes, pushes, pushes and It's in my...

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