I opened up my bible this morning and todays plan was in 2nd Corinthians 6. This passage talks about Pauls hardships and how even in life when there is a stumbling block in our path how important is is to remember that our ministry will not be discredited. Even through beatings, hunger, troubles, imprisonments, riots and distress. This passage says in everyway we will with endurance, hard work, purity, understanding, paitence and kindness in the Holy Spirit and sincere love will live on. Towards the middle of the passage we are told to open our hearts wide because God isn’t withholding affection from us but we are withholding our from Him.
2 Corinthians 6:16 As God said: I will live with them and walk among them and I will be their God and they will be my people.
This quote really spoke to me this morning. Lately in my career path I haven’t been getting the results that I want. Yesterday I was feeling pretty down about it. I know for one, I’m the type of person who needs to work on their patience because when I want something, I want it and I want it now!! I’m sure we all know someone like this in our lives. I’m very new in my career and when I see other people succeeding when I’m not I can’t help but feel frustrated. It’s not that I’m jealous of them because I want them to do well and succeed. I just want to succeed too.
I have to remember a lot of good things will come out of being patient and waiting on God’s perfect timing in my life. I know God is preparing something so much bigger and better for me behind the scenes that I jut need to be patient for. So many great situations in my new career path have already happened that I need to thank God for! I need to be grateful for the good and not dwell on the bad. The all knowing, all powerful, all loving Jehovah is on my side and He will work it out for my good! I have to remember that He really truly is always with me so their is no reason to be afraid.
Prayer Starter: Lord, please help me today to work on my patience. Please help me to find joy, grace, paitence and peace waiting for your perfect timing. I trust in you. I trust that you will make everything work out for my good. Thank you for being my God and loving me. Amen.