
Right Path

It seems like life throws us so many things at once sometimes and It's hard to slow life down. The Lord never gives us too much that we can't handle. I think that's why he gave us 24 hours in a day, He knew we couldn't handle more. As long as we are following Jesus and His will He will lead us and comfort us. I know sometimes when I have a lot of choices I can get overwhelmed and worried that I might pick...

Sacramento Condo

Beautiful condos by the Sacramento River!! Contact me to see the inside! *some are 2 bed and 3 bath, some are 3 bed and 3 bath around $289, HOA 200 and CCR's*https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=3583760921895771380 Milano Drive #5 West Sacramento CA...

Working Out

One thing I’ve always been super passionate about is eating right and working out! I try to run 3 miles a day 3 times a week. I have also been doing the Alexis Ren abb/leg work outs on Youtube over COVID to stay in shape! Thanks @alexisren for your work out videos I love them!...

The Light Of The Gospel

Think about how different all our lives would be if we all showed mercy to one another? Forgiveness and compassion go hand in hand with mercy. People are suffering every single day because they haven't heard God's word. Some haven't experienced mercy, forgiveness or compassion. God said, “Let light shine out of darkness" 2 Corinthians 6. God made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the...

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