January 2021

Job 6:24

I love how Job 6:24 starts out with Job asking God to give him a job. He wants to learn how to make his life better by asking God how to do exactly that. Sometimes, we have to be careful for what we pray for. Joyce Meyer gives a great example about her husband praying too God to give him a wife that he could help before he met Joyce. Of course Joyce was joking around about the the way she said it but she...

Looking to move?

Due to COVID the way we all live our lives now is completely different. We are working and going to school from home now. Please call me today to discus how we can get you into a more comfortable living situation! I’m more than happy to help!...

Joshua 10:13

Today I'll be talking about a prayer from Joshua that occurred when he was in the midst of a battle. We have to remember that God can do whatever He wants whenever He wants. He is the creator of everything, the sun, moon, earth and Heavan. Everything! He also gives us perception, how we perceive one another. Sometimes things may feel like they are taking longer than they really are. Sometimes the time...

Luke 4:18-19

Luke was a famous prophet. He was inspired and ordained by God to announce how His people have been bruised, beaten and mistreated. But, have been saved by grace. The good news is God has put us Christians, who have truly accepted Him into our hearts as Lord and Savior. To let the world know that He is the king of kings and lord of lords (Revelation 19:6). We have been baptized, put through the ceremony....

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