December 2020

Charles Stanley Wait On God Bible Study

God is working on our behalf all the time. No matter how long it takes, we need to devote our time, energy and prayer to Him because He is our Lord and Savior. Usually at the point in time we want to give up the answer is closer to us than ever before. He is aways working to fulfill His promises to us. God has prepared everything all for those of us that love and seek Him. Its amazing. When you direct...

Remaining Calm

Being calm is a blessing from God. The Bible tells us "Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger," Ephesians 4:26. Being stormy, violent or having unrest is not from God. It's a big waste of time when you are not living your life for God I have come to learn. The more we listen to Him, follow and read His word the more blessings He will give us such as being calm as an...

Proverbs 17:22

Its a fact that when you smile you automatically become happier. It has something to do with our facial muscles and dopamine in the body. I also know if only takes a couple of muscles to smile and about 1,000 in your face to frown. God gave us this ability so whenever we are feeling down just look on the bright side of things and smile. According to the Bible it's like medicine. Think about that, God gave...

To Love Others

The world revolves around love. The Bible tells us "Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14. Notice how it says all. It doesn't say some but in ALL that you do be done in love. In many ways God is said to be love. Love is defined as a tense feeling of deep affection or pleasure in something. Ask yourself today how can you show others that you love them today? John 3:16 “For God so...

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