December 2020


Hint: Take time today to read the scriptures provided to get the most out of this devotional today. The prophecy will be fulfilled when Jesus comes again someday. Nobody knows the day or hour (Matthew 24:36). When Jesus died on the cross to forgive us of our sins He cried out and released His spirit (Matthew 27:50). This has been prophesied and already fulfilled. Jesus Fulfills the law in every way....


This morning when I woke up it seemed although I had a million things to do all at once. Do you ever that way? I felt a breeze of anxiety and stress rush over me. I found my self running around trying to get things done as fast as I could. My mom used to call it running around like a chicken with your head cut off! God does not want us to live our lives like this. He is in control and we need to put our...

Sacramento State Capitol

New YouTube video Understanding The Market is up!!! Please don’t forget to like comment and subscribe!!! Sacramento State...

Listening To The Spirit

Growing up I came from a home that was loud, crazy and busy. There wasn't ever any times of peace from what I remember and when their was peace it was only ever for a short amount of time. As I grew older I began to learn that not every home situation is like this. In college I had friends and roommates who would listen and reply to me in a caring, thoughtful, loving, respectful way. I could tell they...

Sweet Again

Last night I had Bible study with my Aunt. We did a Daily Devotional from our Daily Bread this time. Todays Scripture & Insight was on Isaiah 25:1-9. It talks about how God will prepare feasts of rich foods for us (ch.25) with the finest and sweetest of drinks. It will be blessed, fruitful and provide provision for God's people. The Devotional concludes with how one day we will be together with Jesus...

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