December 2020

2 Timmothy 1-2

I came across 2 Timothy 1-2 a couple weeks ago and it really spoke to me. I didn't understand why but it did. When God placed it on my heart to focus on courage the verse came up again. "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." When we have a spirit that accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior we have a Godly spirit. When we reject Him as out Lord and Savior we have...

Deuteronomy 31:6

God has created us to with stand great force and pressure in order to mold us into the people we are today. Theres this saying that goes He wouldn't have brought ya to it if He couldn't get ya through it!" He loves us and gives us the strength and courage to do His will every single day. We are to be fearless, calm and peaceful in His name. Our faith needs to be so deep in Him that when the wind starts...


This weekend I was watching a church service and the service really spoke to me to work on my courage. I look confident at times and my friends would describe me as risky. I asked myself how does this benefit God? He is always working out for my favor. I want to do what God calls me to do in ways that will frighten others. I truly believe that God commanded us to be courageous. Ask yourself today, do...

Light of the world

The Bible tells us that we are the light of the world. This is because we have Jesus in our hearts leading and guiding us through every step of the way. This allows us to become a light for others to notice and follow Jesus too! When you think of light you automatically think of seeing. Seeing a future, family or something positive ahead hopefully. Maybe it can be a new life or a way out of an old one....

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