Psalm 131:2

  • 4 years ago
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The Bible calls us to be tranquil, gentle and calm. Our mental health is so important because it shows how we feel. It is most likely a good indicator to how how we treat other people is how we feel as well. It’s important to always stay level headed. Even through storms in our life. No matter how big or how small the storm might seem. It is no match for God.

We are able to depend on God. He gives us nutrients, hope and joy! He is meek and gentle. Picture a baby that is trying to get milk from the mothers breast. Once it does the baby shows meekness and gentleness because it’s dependent on the mother and need’s the nutrients. Once the baby get’s the milk he or she is fullflled.

We can be the same way with God! However, the Bible warns us if we are dependent on the wrong things such as lust, powers, desires or passion instead of Him. This will not lead to fulfillment. Religion leads us to live a young, child like, humble and modest life. It keeps us in the right place, level headed and gives us self control.

Psalms 131:2 “But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.”

Prayer Starter: Lord, thank you for claiming my soul. I pray today and every day you help us all to keep a calm soul no matter how big or small our problems might seem. Amen.

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