I decided to start a new bible study plan this week called “Marked.” Its in the bible app, a 4 day devotional with Transformation Church. I started watching Transformation Church about 6 months ago and just love it! They have great leadership, messages and worship! Transformation Church talks about how when you talk to God, you need to surrender to Him fully. Make sure that you give God the time He needs in order to develop you into maturity.
God can’t fully work in us until we are fully developed in Him. God wants to do this in private. Ive learned during my Christan walk in faith that some of my biggest moments as far as developing as a Christan goes was when I was alone. Being fully 100% locked into God. That means giving my full undivided attention to scripture, worship and prayer for a set amount of time a day, daily. As I began to do this more and more I noticed, not only did I begin to change for the better but my life suddenly became a whole lot easier. This was because I was setting time aside for God to be the center of my life more and more, daily.
God has a plan for us all. However, “He wants to approve us in private because there is something that he is working out of you that won’t survive in public” Transformation Church Tells us. A prime example of this is social media and how we use our phones so much durning the day. We are unable to fully lock into God and practice patients. Ask your self, when can you set time aside with God in private for Him to mature and develop you today? If its not in your schedule its not going to get done. Make sure to plan a time daily with God. See how much your life with change for the better and become easier.
Matthew 6:6 “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Romans 8: ” But, If we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.”
Prayer Starter: Lord, please help me today and through out the week fully 100% lock into you. I want you to mature and develop me in private for the plans you have for me in the future. Amen.