This morning as I sat down to do my daily devotionals Charles Stanley’s devotional really stuck out to me. Charles Stanley said “This is exactly what the Lord did for Gideon, who was undoubtedly feeling anxious about taking just three hundred men to fight against the mighty Midianite army. God strategically positioned Gideon to overhear an enemy soldier recounting a frightful dream about being defeated by the Israelites. This unlikely circumstance assured Gideon that the Lord was at work in this daunting situation and would give them the victory.
God graciously used that incident to strengthen one man’s confidence in Him, and He encourages His children in similar ways today. The unexpected, hopeful circumstances that show up in our darkest moments are not accidents but precious assurance builders from the Lord. When we remember past evidence of His faithfulness, we can boldly face the future, knowing that God is always with us.” (Judges 7:8-15), (Luke 1: 1-80).
This couldn’t be more true. Please take the time to read the full scriptures listed above. They really help you understand why God place’s you in the positions he does. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
Prayer Starter: Lord, thank you for positioning me where I am in life today and everyday. No battle is too big or too small for me to overcome with you by my side. I pray today for the people reading this that they come to know you. I pray they learn to become grateful for where you have positioned them. Please help others realize how necessary their skills, experiences and gifts are to every situation. Thank you for giving us all a purpose. Amen.