January 2021

Lamentations 3:25

Joyce Meyer gave a great devotional this morning. I usually talk about being still in God but this morning she spoke about waiting on God. I think what she said is worth reading, she said "I once sat down to do some writing on a book and sensed the Lord saying, "Take a few minutes and just wait on Me."I waited for a very short time and then started to make a phone call. The Lord gently said, "I didn't...

Psalm 27:13-14

No matter what I come across during this life time I know that I'll be okay because I have God. Thats a great feeling to completely be able to put your trust into God. He tells us to look upon the land of living. This means with fellow believers we are to stand strong, have courage and most importantly wait on Him. Psalm 27: 13-14 "I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land...

John 19:37

We receive justification and santification through Christ. This means that God is willingly able to move a sinner (all of us we live in a fallen world) into a state of grace or jutice. He gives us righteousness. We become set apart from our old life in order to enter our new life in Christ. This is all in the New Testament. We are set apart as believers when we work grace into salvation for God. We are...

Hebrews 4:12

Rest is a gift that God gives us all. I'm the type of person where I like to keep myself constantly busy. I like getting things done and waking up early. I'm a doer. I have the drive and motivation but, I've come to learn that having a lot on my plate all the time isn't always good for me. God works in us when we take a step back to listen to Him. When I'm constantly busy all the time I can't fully hear...

Matthew 20:32

Jesus speaks to us when we are still. Thats why its best to pray often and meditate on his word daily. Jesus helps the blind by seeing through miracles (John 9). However, we must reach out first and realize that we can't do it alone with out God. God sometimes has us repeat our prayer's out loud so when the prayer is answered we will know God has made a miracle happen in our favor. This doesn't mean we...

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