God cares about YOU!

  • 4 years ago
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I found myself slacking on prayer time with God in the morning’s lately and my anxiety started to show itself a little more. God wants to have a relationship with us so we can vent to Him, tell Him about our days or anything else thats going on. He even wants to know what you had for breakfast! He never doesn’t want to talk to us. Talking to Him and getting a perspective on what the creator of the universe has to say get’s you a lot further than anything else. I can tell you from experience.

Of course, talking to your friends and family is important as well so they know whats going on in your life. However, God should be our main go to source. Especially when we need advice on what to do in a situation. When we pour our anxieties on Him we are humbling ourselves and saying. “God, I don’t know the plans you have for me today but I know you know. Please work through me today so I can do your works.”

The Bible tells us this will lift us up in due time. God will always be perfecting us through out our whole life. My Aunt says its like when you are refining a diamond. You have to go through the heat and pressure until the diamond is perfectly refined. God is perfectly refining us daily, hourly and by the minute. Ask yourself today, how can you humble yourself to God so He can lift you up? What anxiety are you going to cast on Him today?

1 Peter 5:7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Prayer Starter: Lord, please help me an others today humble ourselves so that you may lift us up. Thank you for letting me cast my anxiety on you and caring for me. Amen.

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